Today's Photo count: 10689 Including 422 named and (some) un-named species.
This marine life identification site of fish, corals, crustaceans, mollusks and other marine life found in the waters of St. John, USVI. contains photos taken while snorkeling in the shallow waters around St. John.
To help you get the most from your island snorkeling, you will find within these pages information about snorkeling in the bays around the island and tips to help you achieve a rewarding experience. You will find the extensive marine life Identification Gallery an invaluable source of information about what you will see, if you look for it, in the waters around St. John.
The island of St. John is blessed with some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. This place, with it's azure blue, tropical waters, white sand beaches and lots of sunshine is a terrific place to relax and get away from the stresses of life. While here, be sure to take advantage of the wonderful, underwater world that awaits you just off shore. It is truly a "Different World" and exploring it is a unique and often missed opportunity. Exploring it is easier than you think. Just put on a mask and snorkel!
Coral reefs occupy a tiny fraction of the oceans but they provide habitat for up to 1/3 of all marine species. They are used as feeding grounds, spawning grounds and protection for young fry. These complicated, bio diverse systems are invaluable for the fishing industries, development of new medicines and are an economic resource to the tourism industry world-wide. They are also important as coastal barriers against otherwise damaging storm surges. When you take into account that the majority of people on the planet rely on the ocean for their food, it is imperative that action is taken to prevent the loss of the world's reefs.
Did you know? Of ALL the living things on this planet, 90% inhabit the OCEAN!