Spotfin Butterflyfish
Chaetodon ocellatusSince this butterfly fish likes deeper water and is quite shy, sightings while snorkeling may be very uncommon. Once you find them you will be able to find them again, because mated pairs remain in a territory that they defend from intruders. They are the largest of our butterflyfishes, growing to almost 8 inches. The small black spot on the rear top of the dorsal fin is how it got its name. The large, round blotch that is noticeable on the rear of the body on one pair is a worm infestation known as Black Ick. The pair has the infestation on the very same place on each of them. Butterflyfish use their tiny mouths to feed on coral polyps. When all our coral dies, what will happen to these beautiful jewels of the reef?