Great Barracuda
Sphyraena barracuda
The Great Barracuda may not be the largest fish you may encounter, but they are number one when it comes to looking menacing. Those huge jaws hold long spiked teeth that are slanted backwards. Whatever ends up in those powerful jaws has little hope of escape. The Barracuda's long thin profile and large tail add up to just one thing.... SPEED! I would lay odds that not too many fish that could out swim a barracuda in the short distance. Though they may look menacing, like eels, their mouths open and close in the course of respiration. As you can see from the pictures, they can appear very silvery, or quite dark., changing their body color to blend into their surroundings. I've oft times been surprised at how close I've come to them without noticing them and without them swimming away hurriedly. They just move slowly away., and sometimes, the very large ones will come back as if curious to know just what sort of creature I am. They are also territorial in nature.

A one inch long, vulnerable baby ......