Identification resource for Caribbean Blennies.
Blennies are small fish that vary in size from less
than an inch to almost nine inches. The Hairy Blenny
is the Caribbean's largest blenny. Blennies can be
bottom dwellers, live in tubes or hide in, under or
around almost anything.
Spinyhead Blenny
(28 photos)
Darkhead (Smooth
head) Blenny
(0 photos)
Goldline Blenny
(11 photos)
Red-lipped Blenny
(17 photos)
Spotcheek Blenny
2 photos)
Saddled Blenny
(20 photos)
Rosy Blenny (Male)
(See next)
Rosy Blenny (Female)
(18 photos)
Seaweed Blenny
(13 photos)
Palehead Blenny
(0 photos)
Orangespotted Blenny
(6 photos)
Barfin Blenny
(10 photos)
Puffcheek Blenny
(5 photos)
Sailfin Blenny?
(0 photos)
Secretary Blenny
(7 photos)
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