Checkered Pufferfish
Sphoeroides testudineusThey are named for their ability to inflate themselves to several times their normal size by swallowing water or air when threatened. They have small, almost sandpaper-like spines.The Checkered Pufferfish's polygonal color pattern is so perfect to camouflage him in his natural environment. Their color are of olive green and brown patterns on the creamy tan background. Bellies are without pattern. They have four large teeth, fused into an upper and lower plate, which are used for crushing the shells of crustaceans and mollusks, their natural prey. Like the other Pufferfishes, they have what seem to be glowing emerald green eyes. Find him scooting along the bottoms of sea grass beds and in the nearby sand and rubble, and bottom areas of small rocks. They are somewhat wary when they are moving, but if you find them buried in the sand, they tend to remain still. Their average 6 inches long, but can grow to a foot long. See my YouTube Video of a Checkered Pufferfish