Ciliated False Squilla (Mantis Shrimp)

Pseudosquilla ciliate

These shrimp are what is known as 'spearing' shrimp. The Mantis Shrimps are known as smashing shrimp. Both technics are very productive at killing the mantis's prey. Most live in dug out burrows under rocks and rubble and are quick to disappear into their burrows when threatened. It seem that if caught away from their burrows, they remain very still, relying on their camouflage abilities to prevent detection. I've been able to get quit close in these instances. Read more about Mantis Shrimps.. (external link)

Ciliated False Squilla - Pseudosquilla ciliate
Ciliated False Squilla - Pseudosquilla ciliate
Ciliated False Squilla - Pseudosquilla ciliate
Ciliated False Squilla - Pseudosquilla ciliate
Ciliated False Squilla - Pseudosquilla ciliate
Ciliated False Squilla - Pseudosquilla ciliate
Mantis or Cilliated False Squilla- Beaugregory - Pseudosquilla ciliate
Playing a deadly game.
Ciliated False Squilla - Pseudosquilla ciliate
Ciliated False Squilla - Pseudosquilla ciliate
Ciliated False Squilla - Pseudosquilla ciliate



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