Clinging Crabs

Mithrax ssp.

Clinging Crabs seem to be everywhere. From very tiny half inch sized ones to the formidable seven inch Channel Crab. All have one thing in common, equal sized, smooth claws with blunt tips. Most of these pictures were taken in less than than six feet of water.

Hairy Clinging Crab - Mithrax pilosus

Hairy Clinging Crab

Hairy Clinging Crab - Mithrax pilosus

Hairy Clinging Crab

Hairy Clinging Crab - Mithrax pilosus

Hairy Clinging Crab

Hairy Clinging Crab - Mithrax pilosus

Hairy Clinging Crab

Hairy Clinging Crab - Mithrax pilosus

Hairy Clinging Crab

Hairy Clinging Crab - Mithrax pilosus

Hairy Clinging Crab

Hairy Clinging Crab - Mithrax pilosus

Hairy Clinging Crab

Paved Clinging Crab - Mithrax verrucosus

Paved Clinging Crab

Paved Clinging Crab - Mithrax verrucosus

Paved Clinging Crab

Clinging Crab

White Hairy Clinging Crab

Clinging Crab

White Hairy Clinging Crab

Unknown Clinging-crab

Unknown Clinging Crab

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