Common Snook
Centropomus undecimalis RAREBeing a rare occurrence here in the Caribbean, it was exciting to come across this Snook. There was only one individual that I saw, even though they are said to hang around in small groups. He was pretty patient as I slowly approached. I was able to get to within about 3 feet then he moved off, but came back around for an inspection pass. Unfortunately he was resting in the Mangrove roots and I couldn't get any real good pictures. When he swam out, the turbid water also left me with less than award winning pictures, but good enough to show you the sloping forehead and large protruding lower jaw. Females can grow to 4 feet in length and reach 50 pounds. No mistaking the distinct lateral line and olive yellow colored fins. Considered a game fish in Florida, most angler caught Common Snook are between 18 inches and 30 inches and weigh 5 to 8 pounds. I wonder what his feeding style is? (are known to eat fish, shrimp, crabs and zooplankton.)