Moon Jellyfish
Aurelia auritaThe Moon Jellyfish is relatively benign for a jellyfish. Although toxic, contact with bare skin, usually only results in an itchy rash. Their bodies are almost transparent. The tentacles hang down from the rim of the dome (the margin) and the loose tissues hanging down are the oral arms. The clover shaped "piping" is the animal's reproductive organs. These domed shaped jellyfishes range in diameter from 4-8 inches and are seasonal visitors. The do maneuver by pulsing their bodies, but are certainly taken around the world by ocean currents. They float near the surface or descend to 20 feet or so.The jellyfish is a source of food for sea turtles. Floating plastic debris is often mistaken for a jellyfish and consumed by sea turtles. The result can be death for the sea turtle. If you see plastic floating in the water- Save a life and remove it. The turtles will thank you.