White Grunt

Haemulon plumierii

The White Grunt has bright horizontal stripes on his head that seem to just stop abruptly at the pectoral fin. When feeding he displays very dark grey sides. Juveniles will mix with other species of juvenile grunts. During the day they drift in schools under overhangs and in the shady areas of reefs and rocky shorelines. Can be found in waters as shallow as 3-5 feet.

White Grunt - Haemulon plumierii
White Grunt - Haemulon plumierii
White Grunt - Haemulon plumierii
White Grunt - Haemulon plumierii
White Grunt - Haemulon plumierii
White Grunt - Haemulon plumierii
White Grunt - Haemulon plumierii
White Grunt - Haemulon plumierii

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