White Margate
Haemulon albumThe White Margate is a member of the Grunt family of fishes. They have a very high back profile and small eyes with white irises. The body may look bright silver or dusky gray depending on light. The scale patter is more defined than the Mutton Snapper. It would be easy to be confused about the two. The tail fin is also the dusky dark color with no maroon/red coloring at all. Found cruising alone, but more often in pairs or schools, along sand flats and sea grass beds near patch reefs. Muttons are always alone. Not real common. These specimens were seen in about 10 feet of water. They have a two section dorsal fin. The fore dorsal, which is laid back in all these pictures and the rear dorsal which can be seen in several of the pictures. The White Margate is the largest Grunts, growing to over two feet in length.