White Telesto - Snowflake Coral

Carijoa riisei

Rarely seen in shallow waters. Long untangled stalks with one polyp on the end and secondary polyps grow lower on stem. Bright white polyps stems usually overgrowm with sponges, algae or other encrusting organisms. Usually the first coral (octocoral) to be established on sunken vessels. Habitate range from O-180 feet. Caribbean White Telesto differs genetically from the fouling, invasive species in Hawaii that is genetically similar to the White Telesto originating from the Indo-Pacific region.

White Telesto - Snowflake Coral - Carijoa riisei
White Telesto - Snowflake Coral - Carijoa riisei
White Telesto - Snowflake Coral - Carijoa riisei
White Telesto - Snowflake Coral - Carijoa riisei
White Telesto - Snowflake Coral - Carijoa riisei
White Telesto - Snowflake Coral - Carijoa riisei

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