Row Pore Sponges

Row Pore Sponges -a group whose excurrent holes are literally lined up in a row unlike the Scattered Pore sponges whose openings are irregular and "scattered" about.  These pictures were taken at a depth of between 2 and 8 feet. Can be red, black, yellow, violet, purple, brown.

Row Pore Sponge
Row Pore Sponge
Row Pore Sponge
Row Pore Sponge
Row Pore Sponge
Row Pore Sponge
Row Pore Sponge
Row Pore Sponge
Row Pore Sponge
Row Pore Sponge - Aplysina cauliformis
Row Pore Sponge - Aplysina cauliformis
Octopus Sponge
Octopus Sponge
Octopus Sponge
This sponge may also be called Octopus Sponge
Row Pore Sponge

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