Tidal Spray Crab

Plagusia depressa

As the name implies, these crabs can be found in rocky areas close to the surface of the water where there is some wave action. The Night Sergeant fish also likes the same kind of surging water environment. They are not always hiding in dark places during the day, I've found them by looking closely along areas of cracks and crevasses. Sometimes so close to the surface that they are exposed to the air during wave wave action. They are about 2 inches long from front to rear.

Tidal Spray Crab - Plagusia depressa
Tidal Spray Crab - Plagusia depressa
Tidal Spray Crab - Plagusia depressa
Tidal Spray Crab - Plagusia depressa
Tidal Spray Crab - Plagusia depressa
Tidal Spray Crab - Plagusia depressa

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